Hygiene is Our Social Responsibility

At Top Foods, Hygiene is the top priority. With the consistent training of our staff we realized the importance of hygiene in their personal and professional life. Our staff understands the presence of hygienic condition during preparation and serving of food

We have a very strict Hygiene policy for our staff members. The content below describes in detail, the strict policy we follow for our staff members


• Arrive at work clean – clean hair, teeth brushed, bathed and use deodorant daily.

• Maintain short, clean, and polish-free fingernails. No artificial nails are permitted in the food production area.

• Wash hands (including under fingernails) and up to forearms vigorously and thoroughly with soap and warm water for a period of 20 seconds.

• Dry hands with single use towels. Turn off faucets using a paper towel, in order to prevent re contamination of clean hands.

Hand Washing Procedure

All staff members in kitchen should wash hands using the following steps:

• Wash hands (including under the fingernails) and forearms vigorously and thoroughly with soap and warm water (a temperature of at least 100ºF is required) for a period of 20 seconds.

• Wash hands using soap from a dispenser.

• Use a sanitary nailbrush to remove dirt from under fingernails.

• Wash between fingers thoroughly.

• Use only hand sinks designated for that purpose. Do not wash hands in sinks in food production area.

• Dry hands with single use towels or a mechanical hot dryer.

Proper Attire

• Wear appropriate clothing – clean uniform with sleeves and clean non-skid close- toed work shoes that are comfortable for standing and working on floors that can be slippery.

• Wear issued apron on site, as appropriate.

• Do not wear apron to and from work.

• Take off apron before using the restroom.

• Change apron if it becomes soiled or stained.

• Wear disposable gloves with any cuts, sores, rashes, or lesions.

• Wear gloves when handling ready-to-eat foods that will not be heated-treated. Gloves should be worn when serving food.

• Change disposable gloves as often as hand washing is required. Wash hands before donning gloves and after discarding gloves.


• Report any flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, and/or vomiting to the unit supervisor. Staff Members with these symptoms will be sent home with the exception of symptoms from a noninfectious condition; Staff Members could be re-assigned to activities so that there is no risk of transmitting a disease through food.

• Bandage any cut, abrasion, or burn that has broken the skin.

• Cover bandages on hands with gloves and finger cots, and change as appropriate.

• Inform unit supervisor of all wounds.

Smoking, Eating, Gum and Tobacco Chewing

• Smoke only in designated areas. No smoking or chewing tobacco shall occur inside production facilities.

• Eat and drink in designated areas only. A closed beverage container may be used in the production area.

• Refrain from chewing gum or tobacco during work in a food production area.

Unit Supervisor Responsibilities

• Ensure all staff members are following proper hygiene requirements when they report to work.

• Inform all food service staff of locations of breaks and meals designated areas.

• Establishes the length of breaks and meals.

• Observes all staff members daily to ensure that they are following procedures.